About the Project


ItemLocks originally started out in an older project of mine called Wynncraft Enhanced . That mod was made for a server called Wynncraft . It's a whole rabbit hole in itself, but one of the features of Enhanced was its ability to lock item slots ensuring no accidental loss of items. When we moved away from that project I had grown fond of that feature, and decided sometime in to make a standalone mod for it. That's how ItemLocks was born.

State of the Project

Over the course of the past 6 years of working on ItemLocks I have made massive changes and additions to the mod. As of writing this 1.3.9 is the latest version, and 1.4 is currently in the works adding an API for other mods to add support for ItemLocks with. I'm currently supporting through although as of 1.21 I've put the Forge/NeoForge version on hold due to their build system being heavily chaos. Hopefully once 1.22 comes out I'll be able to pick that up again.

Download & Feedback

ItemLocks is my flagship mod for Minecraft and I don't see myself to stop working on it anytime soon. If you feel to support, please download the mod on Modrinth . Although currently main point to submit feedback is through CurseForge comment section . I don't plan on opening a discord anytime soon, so until Modrinth adds a comment section, CurseForge is where the comments go. I'm welcome to any feedback you provide as long as it isn't low quality/low effort. I'll still reply like I do to anyone else, just keep in mind I do get quite a few people that miss things that is right in front of them.

Source Code

As for Open Source, this is something I don't plan to do at all. I have other projects that are Open Source, but ItemLocks code base and functionality is in a state where it's not hard to extend and work on, but if I would accept other people's contributions I'd have to spend time also verifying that nothing break while also working on the features myself. While I do this in my freetime, this isn't something I'm up for. There's also the people that just want to see the code, but you already have good enough decompilers like JDGui or Luyten that can provide you with such benefits. Just keep in mind decompiling doesn't grant you rights to use code shown, but it is a good way to know what a software does if the source code isn't available. I could make it Source Available where I don't have a license, but I know a lot of people don't read licenses so I find that more problematic than it solves problems at the end of the day.

Supporting the Project

To finish off, I want to say thank you for looking into using ItemLocks. It means a lot to me. Just you using my mod and downloading it from the official pages supports me a lot. If you however want to support me a bit extra, I also have A Ko-Fi Page which I also use for Streaming which you can use to donate. For most, simply using the mod is enough support, but if you choose to donate, thanks a bunch.